Pinterest Algorithm Pin Strategy

Pinterest is continuously evolving, and understanding its algorithm is crucial for maximizing your reach and engagement. In this article, we’ll explore the concepts of fresh pins and custom pins, and how they can impact your Pinterest strategy.

What Are Fresh Pins?

The Pinterest algorithm favors fresh content, and fresh pins are at the heart of this strategy. Fresh pins are defined by Pinterest as new images (image ID) and new designs that the system recognizes as new content. They are not simply repins of existing content as it is.

Creating Fresh Pins

Fresh pins do not necessarily mean using entirely new images or designs. Instead, it involves presenting content in a way that the Pinterest algorithm sees as fresh.

This can be achieved by :

  • Image Variations: Use different versions of your images (not necessarily different images but can be the same image source).
  • Design Adjustments: Alter the design elements. This could mean changing fonts, and backgrounds, or adding new graphical elements.
  • Unique Descriptions: Use new descriptions and SEO-optimized keywords to differentiate each pin.

And a whole more strategy and techniques when you get my management services.

Custom Pins: Tailored for Your Brand

Custom pins go a step further. They are uniquely designed pins that align with your brand’s aesthetic and messaging. These pins include SEO-optimized keywords and are crafted to stand out on Pinterest.

Here are sample of my works:

Benefits of Custom Pins

Custom pins go a step further. They are uniquely designed pins that align with your brand’s aesthetic and messaging. These pins include SEO-optimized keywords and are crafted to stand out on Pinterest.

  • Brand Consistency: Custom pins ensure that your brand’s look and feel are consistent across all your content.
  • SEO Optimization: They include targeted keywords that help improve your Pinterest SEO.
  • Higher Engagement: Uniquely designed pins are more likely to catch the eye and encourage engagement.

Fresh Pins vs. Custom Pins: Which Should You Use?

Both fresh pins and custom pins have their place in a robust Pinterest strategy. Both of them work in hand in hand and important in every Pinterest brand growth. Here’s how to decide when to use each:

  • Fresh Pins for Frequency and Consistency : If you post frequently, use fresh pins (as described here) to keep your content appearing new and engaging to the algorithm.
  • Custom Pins for Special Campaigns: Use custom pins for important campaigns or to highlight specific products or services, or to showcase your brand aesthetic and design.

Final Thoughts

By incorporating both types of pins into your strategy, you can ensure a steady flow of new content while maintaining brand consistency and optimizing for SEO.

Good thing we offer all of this in our services!

By maximizing the use of both fresh pins and custom pins will help your brand to stay relevant and consistent in the eyes of Pinterest algorithm while providing appealing content for your audience.

If you don’t have time to manage all of this for your business, let us handle it for you. We offer tailored Pinterest growth strategies designed to meet the unique needs of your business. So you can focus more on what you love and what matters.

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